
Home Basement

Differences between Below Ground and Above Ground systems

The Below Grade Waterproofing system & Above Grade Waterproofing system have both defined & unique problem statement, which are different from each other. The common...

What are Requirement for Waterproofing a Home?

Core waterproofing is first line of defence of a any homeowner or structure owner against regular structural weakening caused by seeping water into a...

Why is Positive Side Waterproofing Always the Proactive Choice?

Before understanding why Positive Side Waterproofing is preferred, Let us know what Positive and Negative Side Waterproofing is. Positive...

Below Grade Waterproofing

What do you mean by Below Grade Structure (Underground Structure, Basement): Below Grade structures are also known as Below Ground structures. These structures are generally partially...

Preformed (PWM) and Liquid Applied (LAM) Waterproofing Membrane Systems

What is Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane (LAM)? Liquid Applied Waterproofing is a process of waterproofing application using special liquid. It's used for roofs like flat...

Need of Waterproofing for R.C.C. Structure

Need of Waterproofing for concrete structures:      Waterproofing has all different meanings across industries to industries. In constructions it is a measure to prevent...