
Home Basement

Need of Waterproofing for R.C.C. Structure

Need of Waterproofing for concrete structures:      Waterproofing has all different meanings across industries to industries. In constructions it is a measure to prevent...

What are Requirement for Waterproofing a Home?

Core waterproofing is first line of defence of a any homeowner or structure owner against regular structural weakening caused by seeping water into a...

Need of Waterproofing – Symptoms of Seepage & Leakage

According to an ancient saying that “Prevention is Better than Cure”, same concept applies towards structural integrity of your home & premises for leakage....

Preformed (PWM) and Liquid Applied (LAM) Waterproofing Membrane Systems

What is Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane (LAM)? Liquid Applied Waterproofing is a process of waterproofing application using special liquid. It's used for roofs like flat...

Waterproofing Requirements

What is Waterproofing? Waterproofing is a protective measures or process or treatment that makes the surface or substrate water-resistant or prevents penetration of liquid, moisture...

Differences between Below Ground and Above Ground systems

The Below Grade Waterproofing system & Above Grade Waterproofing system have both defined & unique problem statement, which are different from each other. The common...

Below Grade Waterproofing

What do you mean by Below Grade Structure (Underground Structure, Basement): Below Grade structures are also known as Below Ground structures. These structures are generally partially...